Calling all SOAP ADDICTS!!! ( I know there are lots and lots of you out there, I've met so many of you at craft shows!) You need to join one of Sweet Sally's Soaps Soap of the Month Clubs to supply your habit. I have just listed in my Etsy shop 2 brand new versions of my Soap of the Month Club. Both of the listings are called Soap of the Month Club Basic because they don't include all the extras you get with my Deluxe Soap of the Month Club. You can choose either a 6 or 12 month subscription and you will receive 2 wonderful handmade soaps each month. This is a great way to experience a wide array of new soaps and you don't have to constantly reorder all the time.
But of course let's not forget the original Deluxe Soap of the Month Club which comes with all sorts of extras. On your first month you will receive 2 beautiful soaps, a wooden soap dish and a natural fiber washcloth. Month 7 you get a lovely mini gift basket with 2 soaps and other goodies. Along the way you get coupons and sample sized products to try out.
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